If you have gotten to this point in our website, I am likely not the first breeder you’ve researched or at least come in contact with. You might be wondering, “okay but how do I get on Joy’s Dood Ranch wait list for a future litter?” The catch though, is here at Joy’s Dood Ranch, we don’t have a waitlist…

While most breeders receive deposits for puppies before the puppies are born (or even bred), we like to operate a little differently. Our breeding program allows for an “interest list” and not a waitlist. The difference here being that we choose to not receive deposits or have a picking order until after the puppies are born. This provides a more secure experience as every deposit is placed on a specific puppy.

Through social media and phone communication, all families on the interest list will be the first to receive updates on puppy litters and will have the first opportunity to choose a puppy from our litters.